ColorBeige (154)Black (62)Black/White (1)Blue (187)Blue/Green (17)Brown (21)Green (18)Grey (47)Multi (8)Orange (40)Pink (34)Purple (16)Red (32)Tan (24)White (29)Yellow (31)
Size36" x 36" (1)24" x 24" (172)22" x 22" (41)20" x 20" (8)18" x 18" (8)16" x 24" (12)13" x 48" (1)13" x 21" (9)12" x 24" (21)12" x 20" (2)
CategoryAbstract (22)Animals (2)Applique (42)Asian (2)Beach (3)Boho (35)Borders (2)Branches (1)Check (1)Chevron (10)Coral (6)Diamond (32)Dots (2)Embroidery (84)Floral (11)Fringe (2)Geometric (783)Houndstooth (1)Ikat (2)Jute (7)Metallic (22)Modern (238)Outdoor (148)Performance (54)Plaid (3)Quilted (6)Solid (109)Stone (2)Stripe (78)Tapestry (5)Tassel Fringe (1)Tassels (7)Textile (22)Texture (132)Trellis (5)
PriceLess than $25 (4)$25 to $50 (35)$50 to $100 (90)$100 to $200 (270)$200 to $300 (224)$300 to $400 (94)$400 to $500 (44)$500 & Up (38)
BrandsAnn Gish (1)D.V. Kap Home (217)Elaine Smith (86)Jaipur Living (104)Napa (1)Schumacher (301)Surya (70)Zodax (3)
DesignerCaroline Z Hurley (20)Celerie Kemble (7)Johnson Hartig (4)Mark D. Sikes (5)Mary McDonald (25)Miles Redd (3)Neisha Crosland (1)Porter Teleo (1)Studio Bon (1)Trina Turk (2)