ColorBeige (504)Black (256)Black/White (6)Blue (272)Blue/Green (41)Brown (133)Green (67)Grey (227)Multi (76)Orange (88)Pink (149)Purple (27)Red (150)Tan (60)White (266)Yellow (3383)
CategoryAbaca (4)Abstract (229)Animals (107)Architectural Details (9)Arrowroot (2)Asian (7)Awning Stripe (2)Bamboo (13)Beach (13)Birds (57)Boho (11)Borders (9)Branches (37)Brick (2)Check (13)Chevron (22)Conversational (53)Coral (10)Cork (23)Damask (143)Diamond (65)Dots (47)Embroidery (11)Faux Bois (2)Flocked (2)Floral (569)Geometric (381)Grasscloth (216)Hemp (1)Herringbone (13)Hinson (1)Houndstooth (2)Ikat (27)Insects (96)Jute (8)Kids (27)Leaves (130)Metallic (874)Modern (563)Outdoor (6)Paisley (18)Peel and Stick (138)Performance (43)Plaid (22)Quilted (4)Rushcloth (1)Scroll (21)Sheer (2)Sisal (74)Skins (15)Small Florals (1)Small Prints (23)Solid (112)Stone (15)Stripe (160)Tapestry (12)Textile (14)Texture (484)Ticking Stripe (2)Toiles (22)Trellis (66)Vinyl (199)Washable (76)
PriceLess than $25 (10)$25 to $50 (169)$50 to $100 (857)$100 to $200 (1064)$200 to $300 (664)$300 to $400 (270)$400 to $500 (76)$500 & Up (274)
BrandsA-Street Prints (209)Andrew Martin (8)Anna French (23)Antonina Vella (32)Ashford House (5)Baker Lifestyle (1)Borastapeter (34)Brewster Home Fashions (213)Brunschwig & Fils (115)Candice Olson (16)Clarke & Clarke (65)Cole & Son (201)DB By DecoratorsBest (29)Donghia (24)Erin & Ben Co. (3)G P & J Baker (26)Galerie (143)Gaston Y Daniela (42)Harlequin (104)Hinson (1)JF Fabrics (267)Kravet (247)Lee Jofa (91)Lizzo (3)Magnolia Home (6)Marimekko (3)Maxwell (21)MindTheGap (193)Missoni (6)Morris & Co (37)Mulberry (20)Rifle Paper Co. (21)Ronald Redding Designs (23)RoomMates (41)Sandberg (3)Sanderson (35)Scalamandre (62)Schumacher (229)Scion (6)Seabrook (422)Surface Style (1)Thibaut (89)Tommy Bahama (1)Veer Decor (49)Waverly (2)Winfield Thybony (91)York (89)York Designer Series (7)York Wallcoverings (5)Zoffany (19)
ContentCotton (3)Glass (19)Leather (39)Linen (80)Metal (53)Moire (2)Silk (70)Velvet (6)Wood (33)Wool (3)
DesignerAerin (2)Antonina Vella (61)Barbara Barry (1)Bunny Williams (3)Candice Olson (22)Caroline Z Hurley (2)Celerie Kemble (5)Colette Cosentino (1)David Oliver (1)DwellStudio (3)Fornasetti (25)Hunt Slonem (3)Jan Showers (2)Jeffrey Alan Marks (1)Johnson Hartig (3)Kate Spade (4)Kelly Wearstler (17)Kit Kemp (7)Lilly Pulitzer (1)Linherr Hollingsworth (8)Madcap Cottage (1)Martyn Lawrence Bullard (11)Mary McDonald (2)Missoni Home (4)Molly Mahon (4)Neisha Crosland (5)Oscar de la Renta (1)Porter Teleo (1)Ronald Redding (16)Sarah Richardson (11)Stacy Garcia (1)Suzanne Rheinstein (1)Thom Filicia (13)