Create a tranquil and serene space by incorporatingbluewallpaperinto anyroom.Blue wallcoveringsareone of ourmost popular colors due to their peaceful andtimelessfeel.Whether youwantto add a pop of color to the room withadecorativeaccent wall or cover everywall in the roomfor a cohesive look, we offer amultitude of patterns including navy geometrics, marine stripes, and baby blue florals.DecoratorsBestprovides a wide range of blue designer wallpaperfrom the leading manufacturers such as Cole & Son, Schumacher,and York.Browse the whole collection ofcalmingbluewallpaperto find the right fit for your space today.
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Free shipping promotion applies to all orders of $125 and more within the contiguous United States and excludes international orders and expedited orders. Free shipping does not apply to oversized products including heavy or large rugs and furniture. Free shipping is not applicable for members of the DecoratorsBest Trade Program.